Tag Archives: pvp mmo games

PvP in Free MMORPG Games

Player vs player content, also called PvP, is a tricky thing. On one hand, most people will agree that PvP is absolutely essential for all MMORPGs but getting it just right and balanced is not easy to do. The best PvP in MMORPG games needs both fun and fairness to succeed.

Players prefer a system where they have a fighting chance against players of other classes or races that are not too much higher or lower level than they are. In other words, they prefer a balanced PvP system where a barbarian can fight a wizard if they are of the same level.
In addition, there is also the problem of higher level people picking on or “griefing” lower levels. The upcoming MMORPG, Scarlet Legacy (closed beta to be launched on August 4, 2011) has issued this press release that details some of the measure the game developers have taken to make the PvP and PvE battles with friends or allies in the game more fun.

At level 30, players can enter into a Master and Apprentice relationship.  This is a great way to introduce your friends to the game regardless of the level difference – if the master is online while the student is playing, the student will gain bonus experience.  This boon scales up the higher level the Master is, so seeking a seasoned veteran is very important!  In exchange for their advanced knowledge, each time the Apprentice gains a level his or her Master gains currency to spend in the games item shops and item mall; they will also receive additional bonuses if their Apprentice tries out the cash shop for themselves.

Players who have taken an oath together with this system share a number of benefits including shared foe and blacklists for in-game PvP and PvE systems, as well as special abilities such as instant teleportation to one another, and other in-game perks

This is a good way to let older players help newcomers to the game while giving both of them some valuable rewards.

Here is a complete list of MMORPGs that encourage and support PvP combat.

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Posted by on July 18, 2011 in Game Blogs


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